2,428 research outputs found

    La click-chemistry en el descubrimiento de fármacos

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    La revisión bibliográfica que se presenta a continuación trata sobre la llamada clickchemistry y su aplicación en el descubrimiento de fármacos. Para ello se parte de la definición de click-chemistry y sus principales características que la hacen adecuada para el descubrimiento de fármacos. En segundo lugar, se nombran algunas de sus múltiples aplicaciones además del descubrimiento de fármacos, concretamente de su utilidad en el etiquetado de biomoléculas, la síntesis y modificación de polímeros o la síntesis de ADN y ARN biocompatible. Posteriormente pasaremos a la aplicación de la click chemistry en el descubrimiento de fármacos, sobre la cual se basa esta revisión bibliográfica. Primero pasaremos a describir las tres estrategias principales a seguir en la síntesis de nuevos fármacos con click chemistry que son el cribado de alto rendimiento, la estrategia basada en fragmentos y la estrategia basada en fragmentos dinámica en molde. A continuación pasaremos a detallar múltiples ejemplos de inhibidores enzimáticos sintetizados con estas reacciones click como inhibidores de reductasas o de proteina quinasas entre otros. También se nombran algunos agonistas y antagonistas de receptores sintetizados con estas reacciones Por último se presentan las conclusiones sacadas de la revisión bibliográfica respecto a la click chemistry en el descubrimiento de fármacosUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Farmaci

    Employability skills developed by non-traditional students along their undergraduate program

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    This paper was developed in the context of the European project EMPLOY (Enhancing the employability of non-traditional students in higher education, Erasmus Plus Program 2015-2017), a qualitative, interdisciplinary and biographical research focusing on nontraditional university students and graduates from six European countries (Sweden, Poland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal and Spain). The project aims are, among others: a) to understand the employability from the perspective of students and graduates; b) to increase knowledge and understanding of the factors that promote or hinder employability; c) to explore the impact of age, gender, social class, ethnicity and disability in employment prospects of students; etc. In spite of the fact that university graduates are in better conditions when accessing to the labor market, non-traditional students might experience special difficulties related to their specific characteristics. We lack of disaggregated information related to employment rates for higher education graduates and there is not specific research which deepens in the transition process of non-traditional groups. Our study is concerned with identifying which employability skills have been developed by non-traditional students during their stay at the University of Seville. For this purpose we consider the formal learning associated to their syllabuses, the extracurricular training they have been involved in, as well as the previous work experiences. We have carried out seven biographical in-depth interviews with students of the University of Seville (4 females, 3 males), all of them studying degrees in different areas of knowledge: Pedagogy, Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmacy, Biology and Business Management. All participants were in the final year of their undergraduate program. In addition, all of them represented different characteristics of non-traditional students: adult and mature students (3), immigrants (2) and learners with low economic and cultural capital (2). As for the results and following the classification of professional competences raised by Bunk (1994), we note that through the university syllabuses students developed the methodological competence, that is the reaction from previous experiences and problem solving skills. However, work experience and extracurricular activities promoted social competence, one that enables them to collaborate with others in a communicative and constructive way, showing interpersonal understanding. In addition, in the three training fields, the specific skills or qualifications of the job, technical competence, were also developed. Finally, it can be noted that in the three areas considered in our analysis, there is a lack in the development of the participatory competence, which refers to coordination and organisational skills, leadership and ability to make decisions and take responsibility.Unión Europea 2014-1-UK01-KA203-00184

    As denominacións da ‘chuvia miúda’: variedades diatópicas e lingua literaria

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    Este relatorio ten a pretensión de percorrer de forma sintética e xeral as diferentes, e abundantes, denominacións que recibe o orballo 'chuvia miúda' no territorio de fala galega. Trátase dun estudo histórico-etimolóxico e motivacional dos datos dialectais e da súa presenza nos dicionarios e na literatura galega

    Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of June-July 2007

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    A stratified random bottom trawl survey on Flemish Cap was carried out on June - July 2007, covering the bank up to 1460 m depth (800 fathoms). The survey was carried out on board R/V Vizconde de Eza, using a Lofoten bottom trawl gear, and 174 haul were done, 117 of them in the region with less than 730 m depth. Survey results are presented and compared with results of previous surveys in the series since 1988. Biomass and abundance indices are provided for main commercial species, as well as age composition for cod, American plaice, and Greenland halibut

    Assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Division 3M

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    An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Division 3M is performed. A Bayesian model, as used in the last assessments, was used to perform the analysis. Results indicate a fairly substantial increase in SSB, reaching a value well above Blim. The six-years retrospective plot shows that the recruitment is overestimated every year. Three year projections indicate that fishing at the Fstatusquo level should allow SSB to increase slowly, although abundance will remain at levels below observed at the beginning of the series. If the fishing mortality were return to the levels seen before 1995, stock recovery would become improbable

    Ciudadanos del mundo. ¿Compartimos los mismos valores comunes?

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    En esta comunicación expondremos las experiencias adquiridas en las diferentes actividades formativas realizadas en varios centros cívicos de la ciudad de Huelva. La principal finalidad era la sensibilización y la formación de mujeres y hombres onubenses, en torno a la interculturalidad utilizando una colección de cómics de valores comunes. Con el objetivo de tomar conciencia de la importancia en la convivencia entre las personas de diferentes culturas, etnias, religiones... Se llevó a cabo con una metodología activa y participativa en la que todos eran protagonistas del desarrollo de dichos talleres.In this communication we will set out the experiences gained in the different training activities carried out in several community centers in the city of Huelva. The main purpose was to raise awareness and training of women and men from Huelva, around an intercultural environment using a collection of comics that share similar values. The aim is to become aware of the importance of living in harmony with other people from different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, and so on. It was carried out with an active and participatory methodology in which all the participants led the development of the different workshops

    Modelización geoquímica de los serrines de granito

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    [Resumen] La industria del granito constituye uno de los pilares de la economía gallega. El aumento en la producción de granito elaborado lleva aparejado el aumento en la producción de serrines. Por ello, alcanzar un equilibrio sostenible entre la actividad comercial del sector y la preservación del medio ambiente, de acuerdo con las normativas europeas, constituye actualmente un objetivo fundamental. Este estudio trata de responder a tres de las expectativas básicas que el sector granitero ha planteado: 1. La caracterización del material en vista a su catalogación como tipo de residuo (inerte o no). 2. El estudio de la viabilidad práctica de usos potenciales de los serrines. 3. Un análisis y la caracterización del material teniendo en cuenta sus eventuales usos. Esta tesis presenta los resultados obtenidos de la caracterización, centrándose en los aspectos de índole geoquímica así como en la evaluación de su comportamiento hidrodinámico. A tenor del volumen de serrines de granito anualmente generado en la comarca de O Porriño, es necesario buscar aplicaciones que requieran al mismo tiempo grandes volúmenes de material y pequeñas distancias de transporte. Esta investigación se ha centrado en la aplicación de los mismos como barrera de impermeabilización y/o sellado de vertedero.[Abstract] Dimension stone industry is one of the leading economic potentials of Galicia Our study tries to answer at three of the basic expectations that the granite industry sector has outlined. These questions also possess a particular interest for the Administration: 1. The classification and characterization of the fines like a type of residuals and how this affects to their classification (inert / not inert) in a more specific way: 2. The identification of intrinsic properties of the fines so that, starting from them, allow obtaining of the fines some economic profit or, at least, a better integration in the productive cycle of the natural (dimension) stone. 3. The identification and study of viable applications from the technical and economic points of view that allow an evaluation of these wastes, transforming them in by-products of the process. According to the volume of granite fines annually generated in the district of O Porriño, it is necessary to look for applications that require large material volumes and short transport distances at the same time (sustainability approach). In that way, this investigation has been focused on the application of the same ones as barrier of waterproof and/or sealed landfills.[Resumo] A industria do granito constitúe un dos pilares básicos da economía galega. O aumento na producción do granito elaborado conleva un aumento na producción dos serríns de granito. Por iso, alcanza-lo equilibrio sostenible entre a actividade comercial do sector e a preservación do medio ambiente, de acordo coas normativas europeas, constitúe actualmente un dos obxetivos fundamentais. Este estudio trata de responderen a tres das expectativas básicas que o sector graniteiro plantexou: 1. A caracterización do material en vista a súa catalogación como tipo de residuo (inerte ou non). 2. O estudo da viabilidade práctica dos usos potenciais dos serríns de granito. 3. Unha análise e a caracterización do material tendo en conta os seus eventuais usos. Esta tese presenta os resultados obtidos da caracterización, centrándose nos aspectos da índole xeoquímica así como na evaluación do seu comportamento hidrodinámico. A tenor do volumen dos serríns de granito anualmente xerado na comarca de O Porriño, é necesario a búsqueda de aplicacións que requiran ó mesmo tempo grandes cantidades de material e pequenas distancias de transporte. Esta investigación centrouse na aplicación dos mesmos como barrera de impermeabilización e/ou sellado de vertedeiros